Friday, November 18, 2016

Case detection of Hypertensives continues

            The case detection of hypertensives at Barangay Goin continues as Team GOINnovate returns for their 2nd exposure in their senior year in medical school. House-to-house visits for BP taking was done and identified hypertensives were recruited to be seen by the Municipal Health Officer for check-up and medication dispensing.

            The team has also taken the opportunity to enforce awareness on Hypertension and medication compliance during the barangay’s monthly Senior Citizen meeting.

            As of recent, the masterlist of diagnosed and managed hypertensives have increased to 35 patients and medication dispensing is well-managed by the NDP at the BHS.
            The team has also continued its tradition of exercising through dance routines and volleyball games with the barangay residents at the barangay covered court every Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

      Future activities are as follows:
Ø  Update of hypertension masterlist via mass BP taking
Ø  Update the roles and responsibilities of the hypertension patrol to the health center and the community as a whole
Ø  Establishment of a blood pressure monitoring station per district.
Update of the BP monitoring card.

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