Sunday, January 8, 2017


            When water is secured for survival, man can start gathering food for daily consumption. Food ensures that the body is able to take the necessary nutrients it need for proper bodily functioning. This is most essential in growing children between the ages 0-5 years.

            The biggest activities in the community health problem of Malnutrition happened in the months of November and December. A seminar on the importance of iodized salt was conducted by project leader Dr. Ruby Tingkahan. The seminar emphasized on the benefits of iodized salt on the human body from the womb and until growing up, and it’s preventive effects for thyroid diseases.

A 7-day activity with mothers and/or primary caregivers was conducted at the barangay health center. The mothers discussed 7 different recipes provided by mothers with well-nourished children. These recipes will serve as the main dishes for the upcoming 8-day feeding program for children aged 6-71 months old at the Day Care Center. Both these activities were conducted in collaboration with Dr. Lourdes De Villa of Barangay Goaw for her research on Feeding Practices.


Apart from the main community garden and individual household backyard vegetable gardens, a second community garden was constructed near the house of the Team for more vegetable availability for the community. The community residents can now harvest at the second community garden for more delicate and healthier vegetables. In total, there are currently 2 large-scale vegetable gardens for the community, and 84% or 167 out of 199 households now have backyard vegetable gardens.

On the most recent Garantisadong Pambata weighing the following data were accumulated:
       ü   23% were identified as malnourished children from the ages 0-71 months.
       ü   7% (7/107) children are underweight
       ü   14% (15/107) children are stunted
       ü   1% (1/107) children are severely underweight
       ü   6% (6/107) children are severely stunted.

The team has seen a great big improvement in the nourishment status among the children as compared to the past. These big changes have contributed greatly to the accomplishment of the community health plan.

In the culminating months that will follow, the 120-day feeding program for the malnourished children will continue. A cooking contest to create a 50-pesos budgeted “Value Meal” will also be conducted. These meals will be judged according to 3 criteria: Sakto (Affordability), Sarap (Palatability), and Sustansya (Nutritious). Watch out for these upcoming events!

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