Wednesday, October 28, 2015

"Tamang Kasilyas"


Toilet training is not confined to the little toddlers learning how to properly use the potty. Everyday, the use of a toilet is essentially a part of preventing illnesses to be transmitted in a household, and ultimately, in the community. That’s why project head, Leo, reinforced a health teaching among the community members with the proper and RESPONSIBLE use and sanitation of personal toilet facilities.

A number of households in Goin still do not own their own personal toilets. These residents resort to other methods of toilet use that do not live up to the standards of the toilet facility set by the Rural Health Unit. Part of the reasons for this unavailability is due to financial limits. Because of this, the team sought the support of (whoever) with regards to the acquisition of cement to serve as toilet floorings. At present, two households have acquired this generous help. In addition, the barangay and the team have joined together to construct a letter for procurement of toilet bowls that was addressed to the municipal mayor, this and the construction of the toilet facilities are currently underway.

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A disease free community with a healthy environment.


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