Health Problem: Low TB case detection rate
Tuberculosis is a problem that plagued humanity for ages and it
cannot be taken for granted especially in this developing phase of our
country. The manner of tuberculosis is being transferred, via air borne,
cannot remove the possibility of it infecting a great number of the
population. A high incidence of tuberculosis has been noted in areas
with high crowding index, low rate of literacy and incomes below the
poverty threshold.
With this the group had come-up with
solutions addressing exogenous factor that increases the risk of
acquiring the disease. These solutions involves providing awareness to
the community and involving the community in the prevention and
detection of the disease. Not only these solutions address that the
mentioned factor but it also address the issue on social stigma that
hinders individuals from seeking treatment.
Hopefully with these
simple solutions, tuberculosis will be prevented and the community will
be aware and proactive in the campaign against it. It would be nice if
would support the cause.

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