Water Sanitation

Health Problem: Lack of potable drinking water supply.

     Water sanitation is the first identified problem of the residents Barangay Goin. It was also found out that proper water purification is not practiced by the residents, even though they know that their water is not safe. With this problem, the group formulated several strategies to achieve our goal which is to have a safe drinking water for the residents of the barangay.
     The group coordinated with the barangay officials, municipal health officer and the municipal mayor to identify ways on addressing this problem. With their support, the group was able to implement some of the formulated strategies. Last October 2014, the group collected water samples on identified drinking water sources for it to be tested for microbial quality.
     For future activities, the next step of the group is to conduct health teaching to increase the awareness of the residents on the quality of their drinking water. Also, seminar-workshops will be done to increase the number of households practicing proper water purification in Barangay Goin. Treatment of each drinking water sources will also be done to prevent unwanted water-borne diseases to occur in the barangay.

Achievements for the 2nd Exposure:

  • Established communication and support for water sanitation projects from the Barangay officials, Mayor and the Municipal Health officer.
  • Collected and tested drinking water from 6 different main sources in Barangay Goin.
  • Established a core group for water sanitation projects in the Barangay

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