Friday, November 18, 2016

Water Sanitation

       The pressing issue of safe drinking water practices in the barangay has been given detailed attention during this exposure. Project leader, Doc Ralph has taken the initiative of introducing ceramic water filters, chlorine, and water bottles to the residents as different methods of water treatment.

      In collaboration with the barangay council, the team was able to conduct a 24-hour water blackout in the barangay to initiate the chlorination of the barangay’s 3 main water sources. The water source blackout began at 5PM during which chlorine was added in the water sources and allowed to settle for 24 hours. After 24 hours, chlorine level was measured to determine if the water is chlorinated enough for safe drinking. The water source needs to acquire a 1.0-1.5 chlorine level through chlorine test kit to be safe for drinking purposes.


      Households who were interested in other methods of water treatment were given the opportunity to put the ceramic water filters (donated by DOST-IX), hyposol (purchased from Long Live Pharma), and SODIS bottles (containers were donated by friends and classmates) on trial. 50 households volunteered to try each method and gave their feedbacks. So far, majority of the respondents verbalized their preference for the ceramic water filters over the other two because of it being easy to utilize and did not carry a slight after-taste in the water.

      Latest evaluation for the community’s CHP on Potable Drinking Water Supply are as follows:
Ø  50/50 households who collect their drinking water from unprotected water sources practice proper water treatment method and safe storage of drinking water;
Ø  15% (30/199) household utilized purified drinking water;
Ø  45% (89/199) households who collect from main water source already have access to safe drinking water.

Ø  40% (80/199) households practice safe storage of drinking water.  

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